Especially in a corporate jungle, it’s far more imperative to brand one & to send a message continuously. We are too engrossed in branding commodities, products, but the most important thing which can take someone to places is branding oneself and that we don’t do or we do but are not consistent and intelligent enough to maintain.
To be terse, by branding I would say how you maintain your personality day in and day out. What people think of you in a home, what your spouse thinks of you, what your reportees think of you, what your boss thinks of you and above all what your organization thinks of you.
Especially in this era of twitter/FB we are continuously communicating with outside world thus making an impression on people. LinkedIn also has converged the office space to our private world. You may be a very tough & no nonsense boss in the office, but are pouring your family outbursts on FaceBook every day, so what your reportees may think of you?? May be I would think, that this guy is a loser venting his anger out on reportees. We are continuously communicating via mail, SMS, in parties, get together & networking sites etc. It may not be a formal communication, but body language itself may be a way how people recognize us and then treat us accordingly. The way how you start answering a call to the way how you stand in a queue to take you food to the way how you greet your seniors in cafeteria to the way how you dress up for a Friday everything says something of you..
This genre where people live their private life in public space and boast of 600 friends in FB, it’s a tough task, but I won’t be recommending do’s and don’ts for one considering it depends on the individual, but the less a person tries to fake who he/she is , the more successful and happy he/she becomes.. We are more concerned of what others think, but the day we actually start showing what we are in either walks of life, we won’t need to market ourselves: