Especially in a corporate jungle, it’s far more imperative to brand one & to send a message continuously. We are too engrossed in branding commodities, products, but the most important thing which can take someone to places is branding oneself and that we don’t do or we do but are not consistent and intelligent enough to maintain.
To be terse, by branding I would say how you maintain your personality day in and day out. What people think of you in a home, what your spouse thinks of you, what your reportees think of you, what your boss thinks of you and above all what your organization thinks of you.
Especially in this era of twitter/FB we are continuously communicating with outside world thus making an impression on people. LinkedIn also has converged the office space to our private world. You may be a very tough & no nonsense boss in the office, but are pouring your family outbursts on FaceBook every day, so what your reportees may think of you?? May be I would think, that this guy is a loser venting his anger out on reportees. We are continuously communicating via mail, SMS, in parties, get together & networking sites etc. It may not be a formal communication, but body language itself may be a way how people recognize us and then treat us accordingly. The way how you start answering a call to the way how you stand in a queue to take you food to the way how you greet your seniors in cafeteria to the way how you dress up for a Friday everything says something of you..
This genre where people live their private life in public space and boast of 600 friends in FB, it’s a tough task, but I won’t be recommending do’s and don’ts for one considering it depends on the individual, but the less a person tries to fake who he/she is , the more successful and happy he/she becomes.. We are more concerned of what others think, but the day we actually start showing what we are in either walks of life, we won’t need to market ourselves:
It’s high time I stop being lazy and pen down my thoughts on what’s happening in the world outside. Probably the mere reason for my laziness is because of my current role in sales & that‘s continuously in loggerheads with my blog objective. As I don’t have anything much focused now, let’s bounce around on a macro level.
First things first: there has been a gradual shift in marketing communications over a period of time. World of communications was quite different in a MBA class and its very different in the reality now. The way companies, brands, people communicate has undergone a sea change. These day brands, companies have become more focused in their approach. A recent study by a leading marketing firm says that share of traditional marketing has gone down by more than 20%. Recent trends of marketing like online etc. give a more focused and better approach. We can see the difference by watching how actors are actually promoting their movies. Either going to malls or sharing their pics in twitter or going to reality shows, they know that these acts would give them a better publicity & visibility. They know that either the movie better be too good or be too pompous to rake in your money in 3-4 days
In fact it’s a good learning for all of us in knowing how to actually promote your product/service be it soap or a movie. What’s all is working these days is a 360 deg approach which definitely gives a better roi. The approach may not be very aggressive, but will be very focused considering the tg in mind. Gone are those days when 90% of the budget would be spent on traditional advertising, rather it’s the time for out of box advertising, the exception always being rajnikanth.
There are some brands that I would like to compare that I picked up during the starting days of my masters. One is Nano and other Micromax. I always thought that Nano would be an iconic brand and indeed would be a sell away, refer my earlier blog post: The reverse was the feeling for Micromax. But the same after 3-4 years has undergone a shift. Nano is a perfect example of how even a conglomerate as big as Tata can go wrong in all the fronts, while a new comer like PVK of micromax can give biggies like Nokia a run for their money. Nano has to be discussed separately, but one must really go through the success story of micromax and admire the vision and guts of the promoters. It’s all a lesson for us that opportunities always exist, we would need to be courageous and take it head on. We would be sitting in our homes with some fantastic business plans, but don’t have the courage to venture out and be happy with our 9 to 6 job. Probably penning down is the easiest thing and that’s what I am doing, but let’s hope that someday we would rise to what we actually believe in and be a micromax or at least fail 14 times and try be a Kishore BiyaniJ